Of Wanderlust and Travel Frustration: Romantic Nature and Travel Images in the Border Triangle

Experience a journey through romantic landscapes and the history of Romanticism at the Kraszewski Museum. The special exhibition at the Kraszewski Museum, on view until October 27, 2024, explores the themes of travel and hiking as cultural touchpoints between German and Polish Romanticism. Featuring works from various museums, the exhibition offers insights into 19th-century landscape painting and travel imagery.

Highlights and Activities

Visitors can look forward to impressive artworks from the Riesengebirgsmuseum Jelenia Góra/Hirschberg, the Silesian Museum in Görlitz, and collections from Pirna, Bad Schandau, and other sources.

Visitor Information

Special exhibition: Of Wanderlust and Travel Frustration: Romantic Nature and Travel Images in the Border Triangle
Location: Kraszewski Museum
Duration: December 3, 2023 – October 27, 2024
Opening hours: Wednesday to Sunday, holidays 12 pm to 5 pm

Blick in die Ausstellung

Physics of Life

The special exhibition “Physics of Life” at the Dresden Technical Collections offers fascinating insights into the physical foundations of life until October 27, 2024. In collaboration with the Excellence Cluster ‘Physics of Life’ at TU Dresden, scientists from physics, biology, and computer science explore the laws that govern the structure and development of living matter in cells, molecules, and tissues. The exhibition illustrates how a fertilized egg develops into a complex organism and highlights the scientific questions that remain unanswered.

Highlights and Activities

The exhibition’s highlights include spectacular microscopic video recordings and detailed models that depict life at the smallest scale. Visitors can explore interactive elements and hands-on experimental stations that illustrate the complex processes of cell function and tissue development.

Visitor Information

Exhibition: Physics of Life
Location: Dresden Technology Collections
Duration: May 6, 2023 – October 27, 2024
Opening hours: Tuesday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm, Saturday/Sunday/public holidays 10 am to 6 pm

Sky Blue: On the Sky in 19th-Century Art

A Fascinating Look at the Colors of the Sky in 19th-Century Art

Discover the exhibition “Sky Blue: On the Sky in 19th-Century Art” at the Albertinum and be enchanted by the diverse depictions of the sky in landscape painting. From deep blues framed by clouds to the reds and yellows that expand the spectrum of blue shades, the exhibition offers a comprehensive insight into 19th-century art. The collection primarily features landscapes from Saxony and Italy, where the sky often competes with historical sites and popular tourist destinations. The exhibition is on view at the Albertinum until March 2, 2025.

Highlights and Activities

Notable exhibits include Karl Christian Sparmann’s “Schloss Scharfenberg near Meißen” from 1859, which reflects the romantic longing for freedom and the political upheavals of the time. Another highlight is Roni Horn’s glass sculpture “Deeps and Skies” from 1995/96. This contemporary work engages in a dialogue with 19th-century landscape painting, showcasing both similar considerations and distinct perspectives.

Visitor Information

Special exhibition: Sky Blue: On the Sky in 19th-Century Art
Location: Albertinum
Duration: March 5, 2024 – March 2, 2025
Opening hours: daily 10 am to 6 pm, closed on Mondays

Gerhard Richter: Series | Variations

The Cabinet Exhibition Offers Insights into the World of a Master Artist’s Variations

Explore the fascinating world of series and motif repetitions in the work of Gerhard Richter. From June 22 to September 8, 2024, the Albertinum will host a comprehensive exhibition that highlights Richter’s experimental engagement with themes across various artistic executions.

The exhibition features significant new acquisitions from the Gerhard Richter Archive, including the six-part graphic series “Canarian Landscapes II” and the portfolio “Nine Objects.” These works provide a unique glimpse into Richter’s creative decision-making process and are complemented by paintings from the archive’s collection.

Highlights and Activities

The accompanying program for the cabinet exhibition “Gerhard Richter: Series | Variations” at the Albertinum includes evening openings, art talks, and guided tours. These events offer visitors the opportunity to experience Gerhard Richter’s multifaceted art world in different contexts and from various perspectives.

Visitor Information

Special exhibition: Gerhard Richter: Series | Variations
Location: Albertinum, Dresden
Duration: 22 June 2024 to 8 September 2024
Opening hours: daily 10 am to 6 pm, closed on Mondays

VEB Museum: The German Hygiene Museum in the GDR

The GDR and How We Remember – A Fascinating Journey Through the History of the German Hygiene Museum During the GDR Era

The special exhibition “VEB Museum: The German Hygiene Museum in the GDR” offers a comprehensive insight into the multifaceted history of the museum during the GDR era. It sheds light on everyday life and the working world in a state-owned enterprise, as well as the cultural and scientific activities of the museum.

The exhibition highlights significant topics such as the museum’s international connections, the power structures of socialist health policy, and the diverse cultural activities in the “clubhouse.” Particularly exciting are the eyewitness accounts and artistic installations that provide a vivid glimpse into life at that time.

Highlights and Activities:

Visitors can look forward to impressive exhibits such as medical teaching aids, original documents, and anatomical models. Interactive stations invite visitors to explore the history of the museum and the GDR on their own. The extensive accompanying program includes guided tours, workshops, and special events. A highlight is the installation “Power Room” by J. Michael Birn, which addresses the authoritarian methods of GDR health policy.

Visitor Information:

Special Exhibition: VEB Museum: The German Hygiene Museum in the GDR
Location: German Hygiene Museum Dresden
Duration: 9 March to 17 November 2024
Opening Hours: Tuesday to Sunday, holidays 10 am to 6 pm

Special exhibition: PIRATES!

Curse and terror of the high seas? Discover the true history of pirates.

From March 21, 2024, to January 5, 2025, the Transport Museum Dresden invites you to the exciting special exhibition “PIRATES!” This exhibition takes visitors into the world of pirates and examines what is really behind the legends and stories from films and books.

The exhibition offers a comprehensive look at piracy over the centuries and shows that pirates were active not only in the Atlantic but also in other seas such as the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean. Visitors will learn that pirates have always made sea routes unsafe whenever there was no protective power.

Highlights and activities

The exhibition features authentic exhibits and detailed models that bring the life and activities of pirates to life. Stories of famous pirate figures like Blackbeard are vividly portrayed. Visitors can design their own pirate flag, track a merchant ship in an interactive game, and participate in a treasure hunt where tricky puzzles must be solved. A varied supporting program with guided tours and special events such as “Talk like a Pirate Day” and offers for children during the holidays complement the exhibition.

Visitor information

Special exhibition: PIRATES!
Location: Transport Museum Dresden
Duration: 21 March 2024 to 5 January 2025
Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm

MuseumsCard Dresden composition

The new MuseumsCard Dresden

The MuseumsCard Dresden is the perfect choice for a comprehensive cultural experience: For 35 euros, you get two days of free admission to the city’s most renowned museums and exhibitions, saving up to 52 euros compared to individual tickets.

Discover the diversity of art from all eras in Dresden: Admire historical paintings and sculptures in the Old Masters Picture Gallery, glittering treasures in the New Green Vault, and valuable pieces in the Porcelain Collection. Learn more about Dresden’s history at the City Museum or about the development of vehicles at the Transport Museum.