Old Masters Picture Gallery and Sculpture Collection up to 1800

Spanning three floors, the Albertinum features a dense network of high-quality paintings ranging from the Late Middle Ages to the Enlightenment, illuminating individual themes, genres, artistic movements, and techniques. Artists from various countries such as Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, France, England, and Switzerland converge here, providing a multifaceted overview of European painting. The presentation of the sculpture collection underscores the significance of ancient sculpture for the art of the Renaissance and Baroque periods, both in painting and sculpture. The spatial proximity to the exhibition rooms of the Old Masters Picture Gallery (Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister) vividly demonstrates how much sculpture and painting have influenced each other over the centuries.


Theaterplatz 1
01067 Dresden

Opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday 10 am to 6 pm
Monday closed


  • audio guide
  • guided tours
  • café
  • shop
  • limited disabled access
  • accessible restroom

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